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Talia Wargraven
  • Owner and Hostess


​After tracing her father's footsteps in adventuring, Talia decided to make a slight detour in life upon encouragement from those she holds dearest - to finally open up the sweets shop of her dreams!


Her dream was partly fueled by encouragement from her friends and family (especially her father, a chef at the Bismarck), as well as the urge to show the Bismarck that although she could easily burn water, she could bake up a storm!

Hikari Igurashi
  • Outside Greeter


Hikari is a sullen Raen who has a scathing tongue, but in the workplace, rarely says anything.  This is due to the fact that she normally writes down her biting remarks on paper and burns them later in the oven, hoping her words reach the kami above and in turn, they grant her some reprieve.  They have yet to answer.


​Hikari met Talia after being kicked out of a seminar at the Culinarian's Guild for daring to object to how a traditional dish from the Ruby Sea should be prepared.

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